[not-lang=ar,il,ur][/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur][/lang]

Live TV channels online - TV channels - France - C News
[not-lang=ar,il,ur][/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur] [/lang]

C News {lang_Listen live}

[not-lang=ar,il,ur]C News[/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur]C News[/lang]
  • France

  • News


CNews is a French free news channel launched on November 4, 1999 by the Canal+ Group. It provides 24/7 coverage of national and world news. It is the second most popular news network in France after BFM TV and ahead of LCI and France Info. i'Télé was renamed to CNews on February 27, 2017. He has a right-wing editorial position and is often compared to the US television channel Fox News. The channel is controlled by media owner and business mogul Vincent Bolloré. A 2021 CSA poll for the channel found that 27% of its viewers identified with the left, 9% with the center and 24% with the right, with 9% identifying with Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally party. A total of 40% of viewers either did not identify with the party or did not say so. [/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur]

CNews is a French free news channel launched on November 4, 1999 by the Canal+ Group. It provides 24/7 coverage of national and world news. It is the second most popular news network in France after BFM TV and ahead of LCI and France Info. i'Télé was renamed to CNews on February 27, 2017. He has a right-wing editorial position and is often compared to the US television channel Fox News. The channel is controlled by media owner and business mogul Vincent Bolloré. A 2021 CSA poll for the channel found that 27% of its viewers identified with the left, 9% with the center and 24% with the right, with 9% identifying with Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally party. A total of 40% of viewers either did not identify with the party or did not say so. [/lang]

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0/5 [not-lang=tr] {lang_based on} 0 {lang_Votes}
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{lang_Similar Stations}

[/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur]
[/lang] [not-lang=ar,il,ur] C News [/not-lang] [not-lang=ar,il,ur] C News
  • France
  • News
[/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur] C News
  • France
  • News
[/lang] [not-lang=ar,il,ur]

CNews is a French free news channel launched on November 4, 1999 by the Canal+ Group. It provides 24/7 coverage of national and world news. It is the second most popular news network in France after BFM TV and... [/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur]

CNews is a French free news channel launched on November 4, 1999 by the Canal+ Group. It provides 24/7 coverage of national and world news. It is the second most popular news network in France after BFM TV and... [/lang]

[/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur]
[/lang] [not-lang=ar,il,ur] Grand Lille TV [/not-lang] [not-lang=ar,il,ur] Grand Lille TV
  • France
  • Local
[/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur] Grand Lille TV
  • France
  • Local
[/lang] [not-lang=ar,il,ur]

Grand Lille TV is Metropolitans 'reality TV'. A channel that provides information about everyday life with all information services (weather, road points, cheapest petrol stations, difficulties in... [/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur]

Grand Lille TV is Metropolitans 'reality TV'. A channel that provides information about everyday life with all information services (weather, road points, cheapest petrol stations, difficulties in... [/lang]

[/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur]
[/lang] [not-lang=ar,il,ur] CGTN Français [/not-lang] [not-lang=ar,il,ur] CGTN Français
  • France
  • Cognitive
[/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur] CGTN Français
  • France
  • Cognitive
[/lang] [not-lang=ar,il,ur]

French CGTNs originate from China, and are part of the Chinese government's Ministry of Information. The channels cater to an international audience, with programs subtitled in French. There are also news... [/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur]

French CGTNs originate from China, and are part of the Chinese government's Ministry of Information. The channels cater to an international audience, with programs subtitled in French. There are also news... [/lang]

[/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur]
[/lang] [not-lang=ar,il,ur] France Info [/not-lang] [not-lang=ar,il,ur] France Info
  • France
  • News
[/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur] France Info
  • France
  • News
[/lang] [not-lang=ar,il,ur]

Discover the new franceinfo, the continuous offer of public service information. Follow all information and news live and access live and replay. Unlike other news channels, France Info can be watched without... [/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur]

Discover the new franceinfo, the continuous offer of public service information. Follow all information and news live and access live and replay. Unlike other news channels, France Info can be watched without... [/lang]

[/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur]
[/lang] [not-lang=ar,il,ur] France 24 - English [/not-lang] [not-lang=ar,il,ur] France 24 - English
  • France
  • News
[/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur] France 24 - English
  • France
  • News
[/lang] [not-lang=ar,il,ur]

France 24 is a French international public television channel. It is part of the public broadcaster France Médias Monde. It started broadcasting in December 2006 and has been controlled by the French... [/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur]

France 24 is a French international public television channel. It is part of the public broadcaster France Médias Monde. It started broadcasting in December 2006 and has been controlled by the French... [/lang]

Noah Price
Je suis une inconditionnelle de CNEWS que je regarding matin, midi et soir. Mais là, ce n'est plus possible, depuis que tous les debats sont coupés tous les quart d'heure par ces minutes Info.

Frederick Morgan
Heureuse de retrouver Monsieur Deval à l'heure des Pros 2. Hier, il a laissé parler tous les invités, sans les couper. C'était très agréable ! Je crois que je changerai de chaîne quand ce sera Monsieur Praud, c'est dommage, mais c'est inaudible trop de fois !

Sara Wells
émission suivie du temps de Zémour, commence sérieusement à m'en détourner, vu les pub et les coupures permanentes..qui à eu une idées aussi bête de saccager cette émission ?

Tanner Bailey
Cnews est maintenant la seule chaîne d'info que nous regardions. Pas question de manquer Face à l'info et la belle histoire de France. Mais ce soir, vilaine surprise ! Ce flash d'info toutes les 15 mn est insupportable d'autant plus qu'on nous rabâche la même chose toutes les 15mn.

Louise Owen
Je suis triste d'apprendre tous les jours que des enfants se font harceler parce qu'ils sont français depuis plusieurs générations et n'ont pas adopté les nouvelles moeurs ! Je remercie toutes les équipes de Cnews qui nous informent autrement. Merci à vous

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[not-lang=ar,il,ur] {lang_Popular Genres}[/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur] {lang_Popular Genres} [/lang]

[not-lang=ar,il,ur] {lang_Countries}[/not-lang] [lang=ar,il,ur] {lang_Countries} [/lang]
File engine/modules/lang/vivodcat_lang_code.php not found.


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